
University Class Searching Website : 全米大学授業検索エンジン

Hi, I figured out one of the hardest parts of having a blog is continuing during Christmas Holiday :P.  But I experienced some interesting American cultures in December, so I'll bring the articles soon!


Since this Monday, winter term has started in my university but I'm still struggling about one more class to choose.  I was actually going to take Women's Studies because my friends who took this last term told me they studied incredibly exciting sexual issues about LGBT, but what I saw in the class was something like "what is feminism" "what is sexism".  I have no idea who was my friends' teacher, but anyway I knew I didn't wanna study about that for 3 months. ( It's totally fine to talk about feminism issues for a few hours, but 3 months is too much for me:(.)  I hope I will find a decent course by finishing Add & Drop.

さて、今週から私の大学は新学期がスタートしました!日本の大学同様私はまだAdd & Drop で頭を悩ませてます。なかなか残りの一教科が決まらなくて、もうこの際体育でもいいかなとか思い始めてしまったくらいです。。><

For my first term in America, I didn't know which course to register just like other freshmen, but later I found an amazing website called Rate My Professors.  This website has almost everything you need to register new courses.  This website was also chosen for 50 Best Websites 2008 on TIME online news. 

アメリカに来て最初の頃はどの授業が良いのか教えてくれる友達も少なくて、授業登録が今よりも大変でした。でも最近はずっとRate My Professorsというサイトにお世話になっています。このサイトは生徒による教授の評価早見表のようなサイトで規模はおそらく全米をカバーしてると思います。2008年にはTIMEのオンラインニュースでベストウェブサイト50選に選ばれています。

 You can see who is a good professor in terms of some important points on Rate My Professors.  Also the comments from the students who rated the professors are really useful.  They would tell us how we should study and so on.  Separately from the ratings, if the professors are sexy, you can see the HOTNESS marks like below :D.



Usually the more popular professor on the website the faster close their register forms, so in that kind of case, I register hot professors for my motivation.  It's nice to have better class, but it's also nice to have something nice to look at.  I really like the burning red pepper mark :9.


Incidentally, I registered intro of Criminal Justice for my winter term just because I got interested in FBI, CIA from anime haha.  And I'm expecting it will help my skill of making a better speech in debate club :).  If this course was interesting, I will write an article about this later too.

余談で私の話に戻りますが、私今回Criminal Justice(刑事司法学)の入門なるものを取ってしまいました♪アニメとかの影響でFBIとかCIAに興味が出たのとディベート部でラッキーなら活かせるかも〜という本当に軽い理由で選択しましたが日本じゃ絶対取らないだろうジャンルの授業なんで楽しみです(^ ー^)笑。これも面白かったら記事にいつかしたいです。

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