
Ideal Public Speaking : 理想のパブリックスピーキング

I haven't said this in this blog, but I really love public speaking.  I'm not a chatterbox and kinda quiet person when I'm with my friend though, when I speak in public like presentation or something, I become so excited to do that.


This article talks briefly about how I like public speaking and the ideal public speaking I believe.  For your information, I will put this kind of articles often in here. yahoo :D


So, do you really know what "Public Speaking" is ?  I think anything that you try to tell something for some people can be the one.  Like giving a class, presentation, debate, discussion, guest speech.


I used to be a not shy kid, but didn't like public speaking so much like everyone does.  The time when I started loving that was since high school.  At that time I signed up for a debate club accidentally,  but I actually learned a lots there and finally became a speech freak!


The speech style I like recently is the one university professor does in a small class with using only a black board and talking.  I've done many kinds of styles, but this one fits me the best I guess.


On the other side, the one I don't like is conventional and boring powerpoint one.


This is because, I believe public speaking is not the one to  tell audience a story.  I believe public speaking should be the one grabs audience's heart and inspire them.  In the other words, speakers shouldn't expect audience to listen them without any efforts! boo!


So when I start making speech, first I try to make one what audience think worth to hear until the last part.  Then, when I give a speech I make announcement to them that "Please listen!" in some ways.


All public speaking needs lot of preparations, and that is tough, but I love the feeling I get during my speech "This classroom is under my control!".  Also questions I have after presentation satisfies my feeling of accomplishment :D


This is one of my favorite speech from Steve Jobs.  haha too famous one.


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