
Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday : サンクスギビングとブラックフライデー

We celebrated a Thanksgiving Day on November 22nd.  It is said Thanksgiving doesn't have religious aspect, so it might be the biggest holiday in the US!  Also, did you know this is the first national holiday in the US history?


I have no idea how people celebrate Thanksgiving day, but from my experience in Portland, I found this is the day to eat turkey and pumpkin pie with family huh :D.  But I heard some people in The White House save two turkeys every year on the other hand.

サンクスギビングは、元々昔アメリカを開拓しに来た宣教師達の過ごした過酷な冬の最初の収穫を祝ったところから始まりましたが、今は単純に家族で集まってターキーを食べたり大統領がターキーを守ったりパンプキンパイ食べたりする日になってます。ちなみにターキーを守る事をTurkey Pardonといいます。

Also I found more than 95% of shops closed on this day.  I had a guest from Boston during this holidays, and supposed to take her out to downtown, but what I saw was nobody there seriously.  So if you are not Americans and planning to go to America
 DON'T expect you will have a wonderful time in outside on thanksgiving day

 しかし、一年で一番大きな祝日というだけあって、当日町は誰もいないしどこの店も開いてないゴーストタウン状態になります!しかも何がびっくりなのかと言うと、どこの店もHP, favebook, twitterにこの日休みますとか一言も書いてないんですよ。多分聞くまでも無いほどこの日は休みになる習慣ということでしょう〜><。留学生や旅行者は要注意です!

After Thanksgiving,  Black Friday always comes in America.  On this day, you can buy anything super cheaper.  Some stores like Macy's start their sale at midnight on this friday.  All shops run "in the black" so people started to call "Black Friday", isn't cute?  But I do never want to work on this day as a casher.....

サンクスギビングは11月の第四木曜日という風に決まっているのですが、それと同じようにサンクスギビングの次の金曜にはBlack Fridayという大バーゲンが全米で行われます。場所によってはメーシーズの様に深夜0時から開始の所もあり、日本で言う初売りに限りなく近い物です。全ての店が黒字になる事からBlack  Fridayの名がつきました。かっこいい!けどこの日に絶対バイトしたくない!!

I personally don't buy stuff in America, because eventually I won't use them back in Japan, but everything was like 50% off! so I was about to get rain boots what I really want now...

日本で初売りの売れ行きによってその年の景気が分かるように、アメリカでもBlack Fridayで経済の景気の具合が分かります。特に、Black Fridayからアメリカは一般的にクリスマスに向けて物を買う人が増えるので商売人にはクリスマスの売り上げ予想を立てれる大事な日なのかもしれません。

Since Black Friday, America starts becoming really christmas. The Santa starts two shot job in the center of mall, and people put a big christmas tree in the Pioneer Square like a photo below.  Also I saw a people singing christmas carol in downtown.  These are really American for me, and just like a movie or drama.  I used to be a member of chorus group in Japan, so I really wanna join that now!

ポートランドではもうBlack Fridayからクリスマスムード満点で、デパートには写真撮影用のサンタのバイトの人用のブースが用意されたり、町の真ん中の広場(Pioneer Square)でのクリスマスツリー点灯式などがありました。よく映画で見るような賛美歌を歌う団体が寒い中あんまり上手じゃない歌を歌ってるのはすっごくアメリカっぽくて私大興奮でした!


     にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 時事英語へ    にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ シアトル・ポートランド情報へ

Winter Has Come

In Portland, finally winter has come!  It started raining, and the temperature dropped around 40-50F. 
You might know Portland is famous as a rainy town except summer, but the rain we have is small and there is no wind.  So it's not bad to live in Portland as you imagine :).


Foliage season was the best a few weeks ago, it was very beautiful!


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Mahaffey Debate Tournament 2/2 : アメリカのディベート大会レポート2

Let's talk more detail about what I saw during rounds in the tournament! 

 I didn't take part in the tournament, but could see many awesome rounds!  Motions were these (THB=this house believes)

          1. THB election day should be a national holiday
          2. THB western countries should stop aid toward African countries for gay right
          3. THB England should leave EU.
          4. THB western countries should reach out North Korea with diplomacy engagement 
          5. THB US and Latin America should legalize consumption, sale and trade cocaine and marijuana.
          6. THB General David Petraeus should resign.
          7. THB the republican party needs more Cato Institute and less Karl Rove.

          1. 選挙日を祝日に行うべきである。
          2. 米国はアフリカ国々への支援をゲイの人権促進のため取りやめるべきである。
          3. イギリスはEUから外れるべきである。
          4. 米国は北朝鮮に外交的関係のもと支援の手を差し伸べるべきである。 
          5. 米国と南アメリカはコカインとマリファナの消費、売買、取引を合法化すべきである。
          6. デービッド=ペトレアスは辞任すべきである。
          7. 共和党はケイトー研究所をもっと使用しカール・ローヴに頼らないようにすべきである。

haha not sure about my memories and English.

but whatever, ISN'T IT DIFFICULT?? for me, it's totally impossible to debate about them in 20min preparations.  Motion 6 and 7 were for semi final and final round, that's why they are so crazy. I even couldn't understand what they were about until my team mate explained me for 10 minutes!!  And guess what, during the preparation, debaters are not allowed to use all electronic devices.  So, you cannot use your damn computer and your damn smart phone and your damn Ipaaaaaad!!!! This is re-di-cu-looou-s!!!!!
 I really wonder when I can get enough skills to take part in the round....


Especially, the easiest motion was surely the first election one. But even for that, I suffered my lack of knowledges about American Politics.  Debaters in the round mentioned a lots about ballot sheet or mailing system in Oregon, but it was not easy to catch up.  Also they were saying "tuesday" many times. First I heard this, I didn't get what was tuesday, but later could get it was for the Presidential Election day. You know the day in the US is always tuesday.


During the debates, I took notes to follow debates.  All debaters have this kind of notes and we call them flow.  This is so helpful to follow debate and actually I love taking flow.  I usually got too nervous to take flow during my round, but if it is not my round, I can enjoy taking this.  But because of format's deference between American and Japan, I haven't found out what is the best way to take flow. 
 This flow picture is from a nice girl who did really amazing speech in MO which means first speaker of second opposition.  I love seeing amazing speaker's flows.  When I see that, I feel I can see the wise people's brain maps.  Actually this helps my flow's improving a lots!


One debate round takes at least 56 minutes, and I had been the same hall without having meal for 7hours on the second day.  but I was rather excited and really enjoyed this tournament.  I couldn't understand discussion perfectly, but what made me so excited was that Americans' funny speech!  They make a speech with many jokes and entertain audience a lots.  So even if their speech is not so relevant to the topic, I felt their abilities of public speech are beyond their real debate skills.

BPスタイル(Britich style Parliamentary debate)は一試合最低でも56分以上かかります。試合最終日の二日目は私は7時間ディベート会場を離れずに観戦してましたが本当に面白かったですね〜。多分まだまだみんな伸び白はあるんだろうけれど、そういうこと以前にオーディエンスを楽しませるスピーチというのがみんなしっかりできていてすごいと思いました。まぁこれもポリシーディベート(裁判用)ではなくてパーラメンタリーディベート(市民用)という市民のためのディベートという精神からなのかもしれないけれど、それでも演説の爽快感、抑揚、リズムとかの技術を見る限り高校生ディベート甲子園の全国優勝試合を何度も見てるみたいでめちゃくちゃ楽しかったです。

     にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 時事英語へ    にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ シアトル・ポートランド情報へ

Mahaffey Debate Tournament 1/2:アメリカのディベート大会レポート1

Hi guys! on November 10 and 11th, I went to debate tournament at Linfield College.
I wrote some impressions or something I felt funny except the rounds in this article.  I will write more about rounds I saw in the next article.


The tournament place was located in little part of Oregon, but still there were around 10 universities  participated there.  I was little overwhelmed, because I couldn't imagine there had been so many universities and wondered how many universities have debate club in the US.  It is impossible to gather 10 universities in such a local place in Japan.


These are photos I took in the hall.  It's hard to see from these pictures, but all students dressed nice such a suits, dress shirts and neckties.  I thought what the heck was going on, because some people dress really serious like lawyers and even rest of them also dress like people who go to restaurants with dress code.  I was wearing NIKE t-shirt and leggings and guess a person who look most casual.  I knew debaters dress suits when they debate, but didn't know they also do even for a small competition like this.  Anyway I was ashamed of myself!


There were several motions during tournament.  When the motion was announced, chairman? came to the 2nd floor and let us know orally.  So debater have to take note carefully at this time, of course they can ask him to say it again.
For me, this is the one of the hardest times and always need help from someone to repeat or say the motion in more simple way.


     にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 時事英語へ    にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ シアトル・ポートランド情報へ


Today is the Day!!

The day is coming and today is the last day of collection ballot!  Since this morning, PSU students are relatively have talked about presidential election like "did you vote?""I just voted" on facebook or classroom.  One of my friends submitted her vote to public library and one of them did in pioneer square.  Everything about election, the place to vote or getting ballot sheet etc, are really depends on which country do you live in.  I showed you the ballot sheet in previous post, but that is oregon style and some states have different design and different way to collect polls.  Also some states don't send this kind of sheet for citizens.


President position is having bigger power dynamics in all subjects nowadays.  Many people know presidential election is a big event and affects their lives a lot.  For students, more than half of them support themselves financially and the election can affect also their education system or job haunting environment, so it's easy to involve them with it.


What is interesting about today is that we can check which state got majority of who regardless time lag.

I saw this website from Oregon at 5pm.  My friend told me Americans don't care who voted to who, and never be affected or try to much their opinions so they can show this information.


     にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 時事英語へ    にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ シアトル・ポートランド情報へ


2012 Presidential Election is coming

Today's debate club was also tough..(xox)
the agenda was "THB employer should not have right to access criminal records for potential employees".  I was in opening government which means affirmative side.


Speaking of debate, recently I heard "debate" everyday in the internet and TV.  This is just because of the upcoming presidential election, it's so surprising that debate is very familiar with US citizens. After I started debate in here, I was shocked even beginners are so good at debating.


This is my favorite newspaper ever in the US!!! Big Bird!! XD

After debate club, my friend show me the ballot sheet for presidential election.  wow! You can see the candidate names, of course Barack Obama too.

These sheets are from the US, but American citizens have to submit them by tomorrow to their state. This is because the vote can't go directly for a candidate  After collecting them and find who will get majority votes, electoral college can finally vote for a candidate.


                          detail information about electoral college (English)

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These days climate in Portland is so comfortable and rarely rains even though now is in November.  Today's temperature is around 65F(18C).  All leaves are turning yellow or red and it's totally autumn!

Monday in this fall term is the most busy and exciting day for me.
I have two classes, English and Conflict resolution, and one Debate club in PSU.
Conflict resolution is a super fun class.  We do many discussions and presentations about our interpersonal conflicts in our lives. Some students can easily share their personal problems or deep trauma in class.  Today we talked about forgiveness and discussion I had was so fun.

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