
Mahaffey Debate Tournament 1/2:アメリカのディベート大会レポート1

Hi guys! on November 10 and 11th, I went to debate tournament at Linfield College.
I wrote some impressions or something I felt funny except the rounds in this article.  I will write more about rounds I saw in the next article.


The tournament place was located in little part of Oregon, but still there were around 10 universities  participated there.  I was little overwhelmed, because I couldn't imagine there had been so many universities and wondered how many universities have debate club in the US.  It is impossible to gather 10 universities in such a local place in Japan.


These are photos I took in the hall.  It's hard to see from these pictures, but all students dressed nice such a suits, dress shirts and neckties.  I thought what the heck was going on, because some people dress really serious like lawyers and even rest of them also dress like people who go to restaurants with dress code.  I was wearing NIKE t-shirt and leggings and guess a person who look most casual.  I knew debaters dress suits when they debate, but didn't know they also do even for a small competition like this.  Anyway I was ashamed of myself!


There were several motions during tournament.  When the motion was announced, chairman? came to the 2nd floor and let us know orally.  So debater have to take note carefully at this time, of course they can ask him to say it again.
For me, this is the one of the hardest times and always need help from someone to repeat or say the motion in more simple way.


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