
Today is the Day!!

The day is coming and today is the last day of collection ballot!  Since this morning, PSU students are relatively have talked about presidential election like "did you vote?""I just voted" on facebook or classroom.  One of my friends submitted her vote to public library and one of them did in pioneer square.  Everything about election, the place to vote or getting ballot sheet etc, are really depends on which country do you live in.  I showed you the ballot sheet in previous post, but that is oregon style and some states have different design and different way to collect polls.  Also some states don't send this kind of sheet for citizens.


President position is having bigger power dynamics in all subjects nowadays.  Many people know presidential election is a big event and affects their lives a lot.  For students, more than half of them support themselves financially and the election can affect also their education system or job haunting environment, so it's easy to involve them with it.


What is interesting about today is that we can check which state got majority of who regardless time lag.

I saw this website from Oregon at 5pm.  My friend told me Americans don't care who voted to who, and never be affected or try to much their opinions so they can show this information.


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1 件のコメント:

  1. Waka! This is Ringo! I was actually looking at the Google polls ALL day when I was in Japan! I was super nervous about who the new President would be. Many of my American friends were also concerned and were watching the polls. Kansai Gaidai even had a room open with projectors of the polls for the students who were interested in watching.

    Regardless of what people say, I actually think many of the younger generation in America truly value their right to vote and take advantage of it to ensure safety (political, etc) in their lives.
