
Free Coffee at Seattle's Best Coffee

You can often get free food at American colleges.
Free pizza is the most usual, but also there are free doughnuts, meal, breakfast or pancakes.  The best free food I've ever seen was free Ben and Jerry.  They came to PSU with their small cart with some ice creams.

フリーピッツァ、フリードーナツ、フリーミール、フリーブレックファストなどなどです。でもやっぱフリーピッツァが一般的かな。ラッキーだとBen and Jerryも小さなカートにアイスを詰めて学校まで配りに来てくれます。

You would find the information on college's twitter, facebook page or boards.


Portland State University, where I belong, had free coffee at Seattle's Best Coffee all this week.  I went twice and got large free coffees!  I wish there were free foods in Japan too!

私の通っている大学のPSUは今日まで一週間Seattle's Best Coffeeでコーヒーのみ無料販売だったので昨日と今日続けてコーヒーを貰いに並んできました(^v^)。

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